A deal, over or covert, between Labour and the Dirty Digger was entirely unnecessary. The Tories self-inflicted their own pathetic collapse. Nor do Nandy & Co need to commit themselves on Leveson 2. Just get on with:

1. implementing a strong privacy law, as in France.

2. reforming the libel laws, not least to outlaw the revolting SLAPPS racket which simply lines the pockets of unscrupulous lawyers.

3. giving libel suitors access to (means-tested) Legal Aid.

4. ignoring the bollocks about a 'free press'. We have never had one; we mostly have a bunch of crude propaganda sheets.

5. Reinvigorate the BBC, long a target for the squalid ambitions of the Dirty Digger.

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A good plan. I don’t see it happening.

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I'm old enough to remember the vicious campaigns of what can only be called social engineering by the Murdoch rags in the 1980s. Yes, the heat has sunsided, but they'll be back.

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