Wide ranging, excellent piece - I thought at least both the BBC and ITV addressed the Letby 'cover-up' in great detail last night. Clearly much timely work had gone into preparing their coverage.

The link to the Life of Brian interviews has four sections; thank you for including - it is worth others catching all four. The pomposity of Muggeridge and Stockwood is staggering.

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Thank you, Jim. I really enjoy watching that debate because the Pythons remain calm in the face of idiocy.

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Abell was the last director of the Press Complaints Commission, grovelling to Dacre, Kavanagh and the other living dead of the right wing rags. Naturally went on to three years as managing editor of the Sun.

Letby tabloid/torygraph comment: cheap exploitative ‘greetings card sentiments’. Yes, exactly right.

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Thanks, Anthony. I never forget the PCC connection with Abell.

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