It suits the establishment to say income tax is the main tax because it’s a tax on labour. What of generational wealth, or of capitalists reaping the surplus value from their employees? Better to lionise the top 10% of income tax payers, imply they are premium workers and the rest are parasites, then have them squabble between themselves. The richest and most exploitative in our society aren’t even in that top 10%! It’s the perfect distraction.

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If employers actually paid a living wage, more people would pay taxes. It's not the poor who sponge off the government, it's employers who pay staff a pittance, relying on the government to make up the shortfall.

Also, I'd like to meet the people who, according to Emma Barnett, don't pay VAT - do they live in a cave and subsist on seaweed and mussels? Because everyone else certainly pays it every time they make a purchase.

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I always recall “thick, even for a guardsman” being said of IDS.

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