Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mic Wright

Excellent again, I feel your rage. As a terminally ill man faced with the question 'who would you take with you?' this shower of dead eyed fucks would be right up there at the top of the list. Over my political life I've watched these gouls explain away and flourish on the most hideous lies with a self righteousness that has been truly sickening to watch. I may not be able to take them with me but I curse them from the very bottom of my heart and wish them nothing but suffering and pain at the end.

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Thank you, Dave. I hope you are getting the best care and the maximum amount of joy possible. I feel your anger; I'll keep pushing it.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mic Wright

Thanks 🙂 I'm currently in a hospice and being very well looked after. I try to 'tune in' to TPT when I can, it's a great hour and I have been given full license to lay about and watch 🙂

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mic Wright

Bang on, Mic - the way certain people can just hand wave away ~200,000 Iraqi deaths never ceases to enrage

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It drives me close to a frenzy; it's an obscenity treated as prosaic.

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I've been thinking a lot about how much the media coverage of trans people resembles the way they talked themselves into the Iraq war. There's plenty of evidence out there that the talking points are ridiculous nonsense, but lots of serious people with posh accents in smart suits are saying it, there are advocates in both the Tory and Labour parties, and the other side are perceived as fringe progressives and leftists, so media logic becomes that it *must* be true.

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Absolutely. Post-Iraq arguments have become even more about the pretence of authority; and that 'establishment voice' thing plays a big role in the demonisation of trans people.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mic Wright

Mic, Excellent on the build-up, particularly Iraq/Iran. (How huge is your research team?) The slippery ambivalence of the Tim Stanleys over these hideous crimes is almost worse than the manic unrepentance of the Alastair Campbells and the US Neocons.

Baffled by Stephen Farrell’s ignorant &/or stupid invocation of the Berlin Wall. It opened, and Germany reunited, without a single shot fired!

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My research team is me and another guy who looks a lot like me but wearing a comical moustache.

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You're on a roll, Mic, and have been for ages. Thank you.

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Thanks, Andy. That's very kind.

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Is the Iraq war podcast worth a listen? It seems so.

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Yes. `100%.

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