Fucking hell, Melanie Philips actually dredged up Robert Maxwell? One dead elephant when there’s an actual real live elephant in the room. Jesus wept.

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A lot of the pre-Shakespeare/Renaissance plays in the English language, mainly the medieval morality plays like Everyman and Mankind, relied heavily on scatology, presumably to provide entertainment value. Thanks to studying these things in university, the phrase 'osculare fundamentum' remains the sole piece of Latin I know!

As for naming 'Succession' and 'Clarkson's Farm' (Jesus wept) as the only TV programmes he watches, I'd write this off as a futile effort to look like a normal bloke on Marriott's part.

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Clearly no one who writes for Murdoch studied the classics. Aristophanes would give them a heart attack!

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Never quite got Mad Mel. Not just the way she’s spent decades reliably getting almost every public issue wrong. Or the near-hysterical self-righteousness of the opinions. It’s all those years peddling guff for the Mail. Yes, the very same rag that was a vehement, vociferous and unrepentant supporter of Rothermere’s idol, Adolf Hitler.

That’s weird, seriously weird.

Must have taken a lot more than thirty pieces of silver…

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Twenty quid for a book! Imagine!

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