Great summary. For all the boilerplate corporate soundbites of "unacceptable" etc, we live in a world where an adjudicated rapist can be elected to high office, so this kind of behaviour is completely acceptable to a lot of people unfortunately.
Spot on. Agree that it doesn't help that we will have a malodorous old sex-pest as Leader of the Free World. And over here it would help if all the abject fawning on pushy media mediocrities just went out of fashion. Davie has made a small but useful move in banning/discouraging the (often so inappropriate) word 'talent'.
Regardless of whether he's guilty, I've never taken to Wallace. There always seemed to be something off about him.
Great summary. For all the boilerplate corporate soundbites of "unacceptable" etc, we live in a world where an adjudicated rapist can be elected to high office, so this kind of behaviour is completely acceptable to a lot of people unfortunately.
Spot on. Agree that it doesn't help that we will have a malodorous old sex-pest as Leader of the Free World. And over here it would help if all the abject fawning on pushy media mediocrities just went out of fashion. Davie has made a small but useful move in banning/discouraging the (often so inappropriate) word 'talent'.
God, can you imagine if we have to start calling Trump “the talent”? Stable genius demands it.
BBC is a breeding ground for people like this