What happened to Nicholas Witchell? I remember him being a "proper" BBC journo when I was a kid... I wonder if he's used as a cautionary example for the news presenters - "toe the line or end up like Witchell"?
24 hours later I eagerly turned on bbc main 6 pm bulletin. Alas! No Nicholas. In fact a whole new slew of talking heads I’ve never seen before. Harry’s mirror is even worrying the beeb
Witchell on the 6pm bulletin on BBC 1 was the worst I’ve seen. ‘Most people think’. ‘The public will think’. If he’d gone ‘I don’t know but I’ve been told Eskimo pussy is mighty cold’ it wouldn’t have been any worse than his awful performance
What happened to Nicholas Witchell? I remember him being a "proper" BBC journo when I was a kid... I wonder if he's used as a cautionary example for the news presenters - "toe the line or end up like Witchell"?
As I've written in the past, I consider being made Royal Correspondent a demotion and a punishment.
24 hours later I eagerly turned on bbc main 6 pm bulletin. Alas! No Nicholas. In fact a whole new slew of talking heads I’ve never seen before. Harry’s mirror is even worrying the beeb
Witchell on the 6pm bulletin on BBC 1 was the worst I’ve seen. ‘Most people think’. ‘The public will think’. If he’d gone ‘I don’t know but I’ve been told Eskimo pussy is mighty cold’ it wouldn’t have been any worse than his awful performance