Whenever I see the weasel word 'medic' I know that the rest of the article isn't even worth lining the budgie cage.
After all, what even is a medic? Not a doctor, because they would have said; perhaps someone who had read the course curriculum for a medical degree, and decided "nah, I'll just do my own research".
And then there's the Daily Mail's beloved words in all caps; the least said the better.
The sooner Prince Harry brings down the Daily Mail the better.
According to his bio he was a mental health nurse who became a journalist specialising in addiction. Don’t think much of his medical ethics if he’s happy to be quoted by the Mail. Don’t think much of his judgement either.
Whenever I see the weasel word 'medic' I know that the rest of the article isn't even worth lining the budgie cage.
After all, what even is a medic? Not a doctor, because they would have said; perhaps someone who had read the course curriculum for a medical degree, and decided "nah, I'll just do my own research".
And then there's the Daily Mail's beloved words in all caps; the least said the better.
The sooner Prince Harry brings down the Daily Mail the better.
I guess anyone who self-medicates could claim to be a 'medic'.
According to his bio he was a mental health nurse who became a journalist specialising in addiction. Don’t think much of his medical ethics if he’s happy to be quoted by the Mail. Don’t think much of his judgement either.
Hard to believe rent-a-gob Hamilton didn't know what would happen after talking to the Heil on this subject. Boffins should be more discerning.