Good questions, somehow I doubt you’re going to get any answers, though!

I can’t understand what point there is to this story. I know that Murdoch takes any chance to undermine the BBC, but how is it going to stop people from watching Wimbledon?

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The Murdoch empire hates that they lose viewers during major events that they don't own.

Think of it like a younger sibling having a tantrum because an older sibling dared to have a birthday, and suddenly the younger one was not the centre of attention. They subscribe to the view that it is better to be bad and get attention than to be polite and get ignored.

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The Sun has lost £550m+ since ’17. Balance sheet value is zero. Quite a hit, even for a billionaire Dirty Digger. Assume it will be sold the second he’s gone, as its job – enforcing the neocon legacy of Thatcher/Blair/Major/Cameron – is done. So what will be left? Just a foul stain on our history.

There’s still the profitable Times, tho’ it’s just The Sun with a better thesaurus (©Mic Wright, I believe).

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Not sure if you are familiar with The Chaser - as they are distinctly Australian - but you might enjoy reading https://chaser.com.au/world/huw-edwards-is-a-creep-claims-outlet-that-counted-down-to-emma-watsons-16th

I love the last sentence, supposedly from The Sun's lawyers:

“Simply put if The Sun actually thought Edwards was a creepy criminal with no moral compass, they would be offering him an editorial job.”

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